1.   American traders involved in the lumber industry said they have heard murmurs of retaliation from Chinese officials.

2.   Afterward, Fletcher made a fortune in the lumber industry.

3.   Born in Centerville, Tenn., Sarah Ophelia Colley was the daughter of a well-to-do businessman in the lumber industry.

4.   Dad worked in the East Texas lumber industry.

5.   Demand for housing materials is critical to the lumber industry and home sales typically spur demand for everything from furniture to refrigerators.

6.   Demand for building materials is critical to the lumber industry and plays a big role in demand for chemicals, glass, and electric parts.

7.   How this difference constitutes a flagrant subsidy escapes most disinterested brains outside the US lumber industry.

8.   It attempts to define what makes Michigan unique by examining such institutions as Motown Records, Henry Ford and the lumber industry.

9.   It boasted a busy lumber industry and associated manufacturing enterprises.

10.   It has also forced the lumber industry to harvest wood from young trees.

a. + industry >>共 881
insurance 4.01%
banking 3.57%
pharmaceutical 2.14%
private 2.05%
financial 2.04%
recording 1.82%
local 1.66%
aerospace 1.61%
manufacturing 1.56%
state 1.52%
lumber 0.32%
lumber + n. >>共 95
price 15.60%
industry 9.19%
company 8.49%
mill 7.11%
yard 7.11%
store 6.24%
producer 4.68%
export 3.64%
future 2.43%
product 2.25%
每页显示:    共 53