1.   That monkey viruses can contaminate live vaccines is not in doubt.

2.   The live vaccine, however, which is taken orally and goes directly to the intestines, does provide that gut immunity.

3.   These seem to be descriptions of the same event, in which case a live vaccine was probably used at Mitzic.

4.   This live vaccine, consisting of larvae attenuated by irradiation, is currently only available in Europe and is given orally to calves aged eight weeks or more.

5.   It was a live vaccine and provided immunisation for at least six months for healthy dogs.

6.   HIV is notorious for its ability to mutate, and the possibility has led many experts to shun making a live attenuated vaccine.

7.   In particular, the new understanding of bacteria will allow vaccine makers to design genetically crippled bacteria to serve as a superior class of live vaccines.

8.   Live attenuated vaccines have a long and illustrious history.

9.   Parkedale would later explain that its records had been incorrect, and that no lots containing live vaccine had been sent to the FDA for release.

10.   Researchers infected nine monkeys with a live attenunated vaccine.

a. + vaccine >>共 287
new 12.03%
experimental 6.44%
effective 5.15%
oral 5.07%
current 2.49%
first 2.06%
such 1.98%
available 1.89%
human 1.37%
live 1.37%
live + n. >>共 979
ammunition 5.83%
television 5.41%
coverage 3.91%
music 3.80%
performance 3.49%
broadcast 3.25%
animal 2.35%
show 2.06%
round 2.03%
bullet 1.61%
vaccine 0.25%
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