1.   Endless live television coverage has made the Eleven Cities Tour into a truly national event.

2.   His funeral at Grace Cathedral was broadcast on live television.

3.   Live television programmes present special problems for the broadcaster.

4.   Soon Qaddafi was explaining his plan to the world on live television from his tent in Tripoli.

5.   The royal wedding will be accompanied by a live television commentary.

6.   This week, she gave her first live television interview since the fall.

7.   Two or more users can conduct video phone conversations and access live television pictures or send video mail, for instance.

8.   We watched the drama unfold on live television.

a. + television >>共 686
state 10.66%
national 8.13%
local 4.65%
russian 4.42%
state-run 3.11%
israeli 2.53%
private 2.41%
digital 2.30%
live 1.98%
new 1.69%
live + n. >>共 979
ammunition 5.83%
television 5.41%
coverage 3.91%
music 3.80%
performance 3.49%
broadcast 3.25%
animal 2.35%
show 2.06%
round 2.03%
bullet 1.61%
每页显示:    共 344