1.   He could see that her lower lip was trembling and that her eyes were moist.

2.   He noticed that when she saw him, a tiny sparkle came into her eyes and her lips trembled a little.

3.   Her bottom lip trembled and she started to cry.

4.   Her lips trembled with intense emotion.

5.   His enthusiasm faded, his voice hesitated, his lips trembled, his eyes dropped in confusion.

6.   His lips trembled, and he felt strangely compelled to shout a defiant slogan.

7.   She looked at Graham, not smiling, then her lips trembled and a small smile did appear.

8.   Beryl was staring at him, her lips were trembling and it was clear that she was deeply disturbed.

9.   And now her lip was trembling, and a tear hovered on her eyelid.

10.   She felt her lips tremble as she smiled at him.

n. + tremble >>共 109
hand 18.79%
voice 9.87%
lip 7.96%
body 4.46%
finger 3.50%
earth 3.18%
ground 2.87%
market 2.87%
knee 2.23%
building 1.59%
lip + v. >>共 137
be 19.86%
tremble 5.64%
quiver 5.19%
move 4.74%
part 3.39%
curl 2.93%
curve 2.26%
meet 2.26%
twist 1.81%
touch 1.58%
每页显示:    共 25