1.   And then Blake felt the ground tremble.

2.   The ground trembled and over-head many bikes, toy tractors, etc. strung above the ceiling for display purposes, came crashing down upon the team.

3.   So the pill that is going to make the ground tremble thus far has not caused great vibration among publishers.

4.   The ground trembled for a moment, and then everything was still.

5.   The ground trembled as it roared by.

6.   The ground trembled.

7.   The building started shaking and telephone poles began tilting as the ground trembled.

8.   The ground trembled and windows rattled from the force of the impact.

9.   The ground trembled and windows rattled in Kabul from the force of the impact.

n. + tremble >>共 109
hand 18.79%
voice 9.87%
lip 7.96%
body 4.46%
finger 3.50%
earth 3.18%
ground 2.87%
market 2.87%
knee 2.23%
building 1.59%
ground + v. >>共 249
be 50.16%
shake 3.73%
shift 2.17%
include 1.55%
exist 1.16%
remain 1.16%
seem 1.16%
begin 1.09%
have 1.09%
freeze 0.78%
tremble 0.70%
每页显示:    共 9