1.   Both Britain and Argentina lay claim to the Falkland Islands.

2.   Do you mean that only Nobel laureates and their peers can lay claim to the hallowed occupation of research?

3.   Fairfax tells me that he is a suitor, eager to lay claim to a girl who is now only eleven.

4.   It was inevitable that women would lay claims to enter the public domain.

5.   The town can lay claim to having the oldest theatre in Britain.

6.   These difficulties are due to the conflicts that arise between both institutions that lay claim to democratic legitimacy.

7.   This latter idea could lay claim to a basis in ideas of collegiality - but only of a limited nature.

8.   With his victory in Florida officially certified, Bush announced new moves to lay claim to the White House.

9.   Philip feared Edward would lay claim to the Scottish crown.

10.   Five Asian countries lay claim to the islands.

v. + claim >>共 374
deny 10.94%
make 7.99%
reject 5.19%
file 4.12%
dismiss 3.89%
support 3.63%
stake 3.05%
investigate 2.88%
dispute 2.50%
have 2.49%
lie 2.04%
lie + n. >>共 431
groundwork 12.17%
claim 11.27%
egg 9.56%
foundation 5.98%
wreath 5.02%
blame 3.42%
hand 2.72%
face 2.72%
siege 1.92%
charge 1.33%
每页显示:    共 210