1.   A legal scholar of considerable merit, he was a very private man, difficult to get to know and to describe.

2.   Both were brilliant legal scholars who advocated the doctrine of judicial restraint.

3.   However, legal scholars and noted criminal attorneys have warned against drawing any quick conclusions.

4.   The Faculty is one of the oldest in the University and has long been the home of many outstanding legal scholars and practitioners.

5.   Americans are showing far more patience and self-control than the television networks, pundits, legal scholars and exit pollsters who are following the election stalemate in Florida.

6.   Although the issue is murky, most legal scholars believe Starr has no authority to indict a sitting president.

7.   An effort is now under way among some legal scholars and doctors to provide some form of compensation for the families of organ donors.

8.   And even now, some Egyptian legal scholars argue that old provision should be restored.

9.   And several legal scholars have concluded that the legislature lacks the authority to name electors.

10.   And legal scholars agree that the Supreme Court is likely to hold that Foley is legally correct.

a. + scholar >>共 426
legal 13.48%
islamic 5.13%
religious 4.45%
visiting 3.22%
muslim 3.08%
constitutional 2.83%
presidential 2.59%
chinese 2.49%
american 1.91%
biblical 1.86%
legal + n. >>共 668
action 7.26%
expert 5.04%
system 3.16%
battle 3.06%
challenge 2.90%
immigrant 2.07%
right 1.71%
proceeding 1.64%
issue 1.42%
fee 1.27%
scholar 0.87%
每页显示:    共 274