legal scholar 18.17   Legal scholars remain divided.
  islamic scholar 6.91   Ulemas are Islamic scholars.
  religious scholar 5.99   Religious scholars are divided on the issue.
  visiting scholar 4.34   He did research in Scotland and was a visiting scholar in Taiwan.
  muslim scholar 4.15   Muslim scholars backs some female circumcision.
  constitutional scholar 3.82   But constitutional scholars were less sure.
  presidential scholar 3.49   Whoa, say some presidential scholars.
  chinese scholar 3.36   A Chinese scholar who gave Gao the documents is also in detention.
  american scholar 2.57   Two American scholars had to refinance their houses.
  biblical scholar 2.50   Biblical scholars still are divided.
  jewish scholar 2.30   This has never been denied by Jewish scholars.
  leading scholar 2.24   The conference will attract many leading scholars and educators.
  conservative scholar 1.71   El-Qemni also is accused of ridiculing conservative Muslim scholars.
  western scholar 1.71   Some Western scholars feel it remains more legend than fact.
  young scholar 1.71   Young scholars are beginning to take the plunge.
  literary scholar 1.58   He has proved to be an excellent literary scholar.
  prominent scholar 1.58   Some prominent Indonesian scholars were invited.
  moslem scholar 1.25   The prayers were led by Moslem scholar and preacher Quraish Shihab.
  senior scholar 1.25   But senior Saudi Islamic scholars condemned the attack.
  black scholar 1.18   Helping black scholars.
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