1.   Although he had full access to legal counsel, he was not allowed to reveal details of his abduction to the judges.

2.   In addition, two small staff groups, data processing and personnel, and the legal counsel reported directly to the president.

3.   They were denied legal counsel or the right to call witnesses in their defence.

4.   Also present were Thomas Griffith, legal counsel for the Senate, and David Schippers, Republican counsel for the House Judiciary Committee.

5.   Although the investigating panel is not a court and the officers are not defendants, they will be represented by legal counsel.

6.   Although most agree the larger issue is securing legal counsel for the children, human rights groups also want the INS to stop holding youth in juvenile detention centers.

7.   And he argues that his only error was failing to seek proper legal counsel to help him through the complicated regulations.

8.   And the deputy legal counsel is to look at every check of any size.

9.   And she noted that her predecessor as election officer, Michael Holland, a Chicago lawyer, had appointed a woman in his firm as legal counsel.

10.   And while legal counsel is free, the lawyers are often inexperienced, a number of former military lawyers said.

a. + counsel >>共 204
independent 44.16%
general 15.91%
legal 6.92%
special 6.58%
chief 3.29%
former 2.85%
outside 2.00%
associate 1.45%
assistant 1.17%
senior 0.86%
legal + n. >>共 668
action 7.26%
expert 5.04%
system 3.16%
battle 3.06%
challenge 2.90%
immigrant 2.07%
right 1.71%
proceeding 1.64%
issue 1.42%
fee 1.27%
counsel 0.84%
每页显示:    共 265