1.   And I felt from almost the beginning it should go to an outside counsel.

2.   At the same time, Reno has traded accusations with public interest groups and Republican lawmakers about her refusal to seek an outside counsel to examine campaign fund-raising practices.

3.   Attorney General Janet Reno properly used the law in applying for an outside counsel to decide whether to prosecute Brown.

4.   Blanchard said his firm was added this fiscal year to a special list from which outside counsel must be chosen.

5.   Blutrich also served as the outside counsel for National Heritage.

6.   A week later, the House ethics committee voted unanimously to hire an outside counsel to pursue separate charges against Gingrich.

7.   But it is her stubborn reluctance to appoint an outside counsel for campaign fund-raising abuses that has the attorney general on the hot seat now.

8.   Citing recent public opinion polls, Hyde said a majority of Americans believe an outside independent counsel should be appointed to investigate the fundraising allegations.

9.   Cole was one of at least six lawyers whom the Ethics Committee interviewed when it decided to hire an outside counsel to assist its investigation of charges against Gingrich.

10.   Cowen referred questions on the suit to its outside counsel, who did not return phone calls.

a. + counsel >>共 204
independent 44.16%
general 15.91%
legal 6.92%
special 6.58%
chief 3.29%
former 2.85%
outside 2.00%
associate 1.45%
assistant 1.17%
senior 0.86%
outside + n. >>共 875
world 17.87%
expert 2.49%
help 2.41%
linebacker 2.25%
wall 2.06%
company 1.99%
chance 1.85%
group 1.69%
force 1.52%
corner 1.46%
counsel 1.10%
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