1.   New styles Course are being broken down into modules and a variety of new teaching and learning styles have to be employed.

2.   All students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs, learning style, pace, and record of success with earlier materials and lessons.

3.   Which format a participant should choose will depend upon his or her career stage, work situation and individual learning style.

4.   This course began with an all day Saturday event looking at learning styles and modes of behaviour using a variety of psychometric tests.

5.   On the areas that we might like to think about design and also delivering training is the different ways people learn and to do that go through learning styles.

6.   At the beginning of the school year, most interns spend time learning different teaching styles by observing veteran teachers.

7.   A flood of education and childhood development research showed that children have different learning styles and reach certain development milestones at different times.

8.   By including parts of your presentation that will reach all learning styles, you will gain more buy-in from your audience.

9.   Different kids have different learning styles.

10.   Dunn and her colleagues have begun to extend their research to examine the relevance of learning styles to adults in the workplace and at home.

a. + style >>共 2049
different 4.64%
new 2.95%
personal 1.97%
aggressive 1.21%
musical 1.16%
american 1.06%
old 1.04%
same 0.98%
traditional 0.96%
writing 0.95%
learning 0.34%
learning + n. >>共 296
experience 17.82%
process 12.43%
difficulty 4.99%
center 3.86%
environment 3.52%
tool 2.39%
problem 2.13%
opportunity 2.06%
style 1.93%
skill 1.80%
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