1.   Boyhood pledges and rites of passage, boy pages learning skills of survival from men of iron.

2.   Learning skills are developed within both the physical and human pathways in the geography field.

3.   She is learning skills that trial lawyers and literary critics, alike, use.

4.   The addition of learning skills and the intelligent construction of knowledge through exploration gradually becomes a predominant feature of the transactional style.

5.   The good news is that anyone who possesses information and learning skills is likely to find a job, old-boy networks not withstanding.

6.   Feedback is especially important in learning skills.

7.   Information technology can be used to coordinate traditional resources and make their use more effective and is of great value in teaching information and learning skills.

8.   He has quite exceptional learning skills.

9.   And those employees are learning skills, such as dealing with the public and managing others, that will serve them in good stead, van den Heever said.

10.   Another form of compensation, known simply as person-based pay, rewards workers for learning skills other than the ones they are normally called on to perform.

a. + skill >>共 1251
new 3.46%
basic 3.30%
technical 3.10%
political 2.29%
social 2.07%
special 1.42%
great 1.32%
motor 1.23%
necessary 1.18%
reading 1.12%
learning 0.40%
learning + n. >>共 296
experience 17.82%
process 12.43%
difficulty 4.99%
center 3.86%
environment 3.52%
tool 2.39%
problem 2.13%
opportunity 2.06%
style 1.93%
skill 1.80%
每页显示:    共 27