1.   Chop the onions and green chiles into large dice.

2.   Cut the flesh into large dice.

3.   Cut the cantaloupe and honeydew into large dice and add to the watermelon.

4.   Cut the white flesh into large dice.

5.   Meanwhile, cut the onion and tomatoes into large dice.

6.   Peel onion and chop in large dice.

7.   Peel the potatoes and cut into large dice.

8.   Peel them, cut them into large dice and place them in a large bowl.

9.   Trim off the white core diagonally, then cut the leaves into large dice.

10.   While the vegetables cook, peel and cut the potatoes into large dice.

a. + die >>共 109
small 9.14%
large 5.91%
fuzzy 4.30%
medium 3.76%
rolling 3.76%
stamping 2.69%
fine 1.61%
obverse 1.61%
patient 1.61%
same 1.61%
large + n. >>共 1012
number 8.74%
part 3.71%
amount 3.28%
bowl 2.81%
company 2.19%
quantity 1.68%
area 1.55%
group 1.39%
crowd 1.17%
sum 1.10%
die 0.02%
每页显示:    共 11