1.   These bras are specially designed for women with large breasts.

2.   During the decades that follow large breasts go in and out of style several times.

3.   I mean, a woman with large breasts who smells like a french fry.

4.   Men who, perhaps, make comments about how nice large breasts are?

5.   Recently, Newall performed breast reduction surgery on some teen-age girls from Merida, Mexico, who were embarrassed about what they considered to be large breasts.

6.   Roasting a turkey breast is even easier than roasting a chicken, and one large breast can help make several meals.

7.   The big birds, once varied in color and size, became all-white specimens with disproportionately large breasts.

8.   The birds are supplied by turkey brokers in Minnesota who scout out fowl with short legs and large breasts.

9.   The list of less serious but nevertheless undesirable effects is also long and includes large breasts in men and beards in women.

10.   He just likes them, he says, particularly if they have large breasts.

a. + breast >>共 338
advanced 6.52%
bare 4.73%
left 4.60%
right 4.35%
new 2.30%
early 1.92%
metastatic 1.53%
entire 1.41%
large 1.41%
human 1.28%
large + n. >>共 1012
number 8.74%
part 3.71%
amount 3.28%
bowl 2.81%
company 2.19%
quantity 1.68%
area 1.55%
group 1.39%
crowd 1.17%
sum 1.10%
breast 0.02%
每页显示:    共 11