1.   Be sure to cover the entire breast.

2.   Extra views of the breast are taken and a specialized technique is used so the entire breast can be imaged.

3.   Fold a double thickness of paper towels in half and cover the entire breast.

4.   In very rare cases, girls develop entire extra breasts at puberty.

5.   The butcher may give you the entire breast, or he may separate the ribs for you.

6.   The surgeon excises the nipple and areola with a circular cut and removes the entire breast, saving the outer skin.

7.   Why not try to preserve the entire breast by killing those tumors with heat, they ask?

8.   Women with large tumors usually face surgery to remove either the lump or the entire breast.

9.   Yet many doctors take aggressive action, removing the lump and sometimes even the entire breast, subjecting some women to unnecessary surgery that carries risks of its own.

10.   A lumpectomy involves removal of a malignant lesion from the breast while preserving its essential anatomy, while a mastectomy requires removal of the entire breast and neighboring tissue.

a. + breast >>共 338
advanced 6.52%
bare 4.73%
left 4.60%
right 4.35%
new 2.30%
early 1.92%
metastatic 1.53%
entire 1.41%
large 1.41%
human 1.28%
entire + n. >>共 1160
season 2.63%
family 2.49%
team 2.20%
career 1.89%
country 1.82%
life 1.73%
city 1.60%
game 1.55%
region 1.48%
system 1.31%
breast 0.06%
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