1.   After completing the course, just three trainers were competent at compressions and only two could ventilate adequately.

2.   All of which means that Shorts require just three points from their final match of the season to clinch the championship.

3.   At a Royal Institution lecture, he demonstrated that colour images could be formed from just three primary colours.

4.   Can a majority of public opinion be won over to vote for joining a single currency in just three or four years?

5.   He missed just three fairways in the final round and one of those by just a few inches.

6.   Now even more tinplate is made, but from just three giant works.

7.   She said her office prosecuted just three panhandling cases last year in the downtown area.

8.   The Government acknowledged holding just three prisoners, including Mirghani Abd al-Rahman Suleiman.

9.   Their words infuse the air Britain breathes, serving just three press magnates whose pernicious influence corrodes all political discourse.

10.   They were just three wires joined at the ends, with only the slightest bow to them.

d. + three >>共 92
at_least 23.54%
only 18.68%
first 14.93%
last 10.81%
just 6.78%
next 3.94%
about 3.28%
more_than 3.11%
all 2.56%
up_to 1.76%
just + a. >>共 496
one 18.43%
a_few 15.53%
two 7.22%
three 4.06%
last 2.71%
four 2.64%
enough 2.19%
five 2.02%
fine 1.99%
plain 1.97%
每页显示:    共 887