1.   And it should be even easier to brush off the next three opponents.

2.   Each of the next three speakers defended a different position.

3.   However, Decentralization raises an important theme for the empirical processes to be outlined in the next three chapters.

4.   I won the next three frames.

5.   If we win the next three matches, we could still go through to the semi-final.

6.   We need to win the next three games.

7.   In the next three or four days, eleven witnesses will be called to testify.

8.   The next three lines of,

9.   Instead he served for the next three yearswith a merchant shipping company.

d. + three >>共 92
at_least 23.54%
only 18.68%
first 14.93%
last 10.81%
just 6.78%
next 3.94%
about 3.28%
more_than 3.11%
all 2.56%
up_to 1.76%
next + a. >>共 196
two 36.24%
three 20.05%
four 8.83%
five 7.55%
six 3.48%
eight 3.10%
seven 2.90%
nine 1.78%
right 1.28%
located 1.01%
每页显示:    共 515