1.   Among them were cases in which jurors convicted a defendant of gun possession, even though they could not agree on which gun the defendant had.

2.   As Schindler expounded on why jurors should convict Symington, the defense silently communicated its disagreement.

3.   In essence, they fear that jurors may convict the defendant on the criminal charge out of a belief that the defendant is not of good character.

4.   Instead of capital murder, however, jurors convicted Hisey of first-degree murder, with a range of punishment from five years to life in prison.

5.   Jurors convicted Nichols of conspiracy and involuntary manslaughter in the deaths of eight federal agents, but acquitted him of first degree murder.

6.   Jurors convicted each of the Cones on two counts of culpable negligence, a misdemeanor.

7.   Jurors convicted Bass of two counts of second-degree murder, finding she intentionally killed her sons.

8.   Jurors convicted the brothers of first-degree murder in the slayings of both parents, and the special circumstances of lying in wait, multiple murders and conspiracy.

9.   More to the point, he thinks the current jurors will convict Simpson.

10.   Although he testified about his alibi, the jurors convicted him anyway.

n. + convict >>共 157
court 28.15%
jury 26.63%
man 5.89%
people 3.25%
juror 2.85%
judge 2.74%
tribunal 2.44%
panel 1.02%
defendant 1.02%
evidence 0.81%
juror + v. >>共 438
be 9.73%
say 8.11%
hear 4.53%
have 3.55%
find 2.98%
deliberate 2.60%
begin 2.35%
ask 2.00%
take 1.83%
decide 1.72%
convict 0.98%
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