1.   NATO cautioned that the arrest of Gen. Djordje Cjukic threatened to touch off retaliations and jeopardize peacemaking.

2.   NATO cautioned that the arrest of Gen. Djordje Djukic threatened to touch off retaliations and jeopardize peacemaking.

3.   The sentence appeared part of efforts to crack down on extremist Islamic militants whose terror acts have jeopardized Middle East peacemaking.

4.   The sentence reflects growing frustration in Israel with Muslim militants blamed for acts of terrorism that have jeopardized Middle East peacemaking.

v. + peacemaking >>共 80
oppose 11.25%
wreck 7.50%
revive 5.00%
support 3.75%
advance 3.13%
stop 3.13%
freeze 3.13%
halt 3.13%
jeopardize 2.50%
discuss 2.50%
jeopardize + n. >>共 350
safety 5.25%
security 4.67%
chance 4.42%
effort 2.58%
relation 2.58%
talk 2.33%
negotiation 2.17%
health 1.92%
career 1.83%
job 1.83%
peacemaking 0.33%
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