jeopardize safety 4.15   That, they said, would jeopardize public safety.
  jeopardize security 3.69   Report anyone who jeopardizes security.
  jeopardize chance 3.49   But it clearly jeopardized my chances.
  jeopardize effort 2.04   The latest government offensives may further jeopardize aid efforts.
  jeopardize relation 2.04   Neither side appears ready to further jeopardize relations.
  jeopardize talk 1.84   The renewed warfare could jeopardize further talks.
  jeopardize negotiation 1.71   He said talking could jeopardize negotiations to sell the paper.
  jeopardize health 1.51   Even if our health is jeopardized.
  jeopardize career 1.45   The accident jeopardized his career.
  jeopardize job 1.45   It jeopardizes your jobs.
  jeopardize life 1.32   Some believe that this has jeopardized lives.
  jeopardize future 1.25   One bad landing could jeopardize his future and cost him millions.
  jeopardize investigation 1.25   It would not release their names, saying it would jeopardize its investigation.
  jeopardize agreement 0.99   A revival of the exercises could jeopardize the agreement.
  jeopardize operation 0.99   And BHP, as it is known, does not want to jeopardize those operations.
  jeopardize prospect 0.99   He said it could jeopardize prospects for peace.
  jeopardize progress 0.92   Gore said public discussion of the deals could jeopardize future progress.
  jeopardize aid 0.86   Yeltsin cabinet shakeup jeopardizes international aid to Russia.
  jeopardize deal 0.79   Libya says threat could jeopardize deal.
  jeopardize interest 0.72   All these factors now threaten the stability and peace of the area and jeopardize global interests.
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