1.   Initially, we had interpreted the rule as requiring production of the Report itself.

2.   McGehee advocates the creation of an independent Office of Ethics Counsel to interpret the rules, investigate complaints and recommend sanctions.

3.   That apparently has resulted in lobbyists interpreting the rules on their own.

4.   Those who apply the rule to particular cases, must of necessity expound and interpret that rule.

5.   Second, a court might interpret the rule restrictively so that it only permitted the replication of common law rights and duties or only operated in the regulatory sphere.

6.   So far we have discussed ways of interpreting express rules.

7.   It is important for anyone trying to interpret the rules to read the notes as in many cases these extend the apparent application of particular rules.

8.   The two clubs interpreted the rules differently and the title was eventually decided by a tribunal.

9.   And the organizations interpret the rules their own way.

10.   A few others have a chance if rules are interpreted in their favor.

v. + rule >>共 485
violate 6.52%
change 6.11%
break 5.22%
follow 3.58%
have 3.22%
enforce 3.08%
set 2.42%
impose 1.90%
establish 1.81%
tighten 1.71%
interpret 0.37%
interpret + n. >>共 527
law 7.58%
remark 4.43%
result 3.97%
comment 3.91%
datum 2.98%
move 2.92%
statement 2.63%
rule 2.39%
event 1.46%
information 1.17%
每页显示:    共 41