violate rule 47.79   But the rule is often violated.
  change rule 44.77   After that, the rules were changed.
  break rule 38.25   But she broke the rules.
  follow rule 26.27   Follow the rules.
  have rule 23.57   It has rules.
  enforce rule 22.58   He enforces the rules.
  set rule 17.71   But even here Waits sets rules.
  impose rule 13.89   Emergency rule was imposed.
  establish rule 13.30   -- Establish ground rules.
  tighten rule 12.51   Efforts to tighten the rules have failed.
  adopt rule 12.24   The NBA has adopted rules prohibiting marijuana use.
  end rule 11.19   Al-Badr is fighting to end Indian rule in Kashmir.
  issue rule 10.47   The Fed issues the rules that govern banking.
  bend rule 9.22   They bent the rules.
  account rule 8.89   Accounting rule makers say that should change.
  restore rule 8.76   The elections are set to restore democratic rule.
  relax rule 8.56   But relaxing the rules exacted a cost.
  apply rule 7.50   Then apply a rule.
  fight rule 7.31   UNOS and its allies bitterly fought those rules.
  make rule 7.04   They make the rules.
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