1.   The abbot could inflict corporal punishment for gross disobedience.

2.   Boo was only a rather slow boy who got into mischief and had a punishment inflicted on him that was greater than the crime by his narrowminded father.

3.   A punishment had been inflicted on the president, and for the boorish Gingrich that was cause for celebration.

4.   But newer Cuban-American leaders challenge the wisdom of inflicting further punishment on their Cuban relatives.

5.   Even though the unit held the toughest, most violent inmates, it was not the job of officers to inflict punishment, the officials said.

6.   God has inflicted many punishments on the people of Massachusetts.

7.   He sometimes inflicts more punishment on the tackler than vice versa.

8.   In such cases, judges will still have some general discretion to avoid inflicting disproportionate punishment on the defendant.

9.   Military experts said it had been built to inflict harsh punishment on terrorists and to discourage people from joining terrorist groups.

10.   The analysts, who had put the company on probation after a disappointing first quarter, still decided to inflict punishment.

v. + punishment >>共 306
face 10.08%
escape 5.96%
impose 4.71%
demand 3.64%
take 3.28%
mete_out 2.80%
avoid 2.68%
carry 2.44%
deserve 2.33%
receive 2.21%
inflict 1.01%
inflict + n. >>共 137
damage 24.58%
casualty 14.54%
pain 9.13%
loss 8.57%
injury 7.22%
wound 4.62%
harm 4.28%
punishment 1.92%
distress 1.35%
misery 1.13%
每页显示:    共 17