1.   Sailors sometimes faced brutal punishments like whipping.

2.   But he could be facing further punishment from the Irish Football Association after making comments about the referee following the game.

3.   And Anthony may face further punishment from the National Basketball Association for throwing a quick, soft punch that was visible on television replays.

4.   And those who have been caught near the border and sent back by the Chinese often face punishment as traitors.

5.   A spokesman, Col. Stu Wagner, said Tuesday that Sellers could face punishment for his remarks.

6.   Administration officials said that Iraq would still face punishment even if it did pull out of Erbil and the exclusion zone, as its officials were pledging.

7.   Administration officials said that Iraq would still face punishment even if it did pull out of Erbil and the exclusion zone.

8.   After that, Medein warned, they will face severe punishment, in some cases execution.

9.   Brazill should face some punishment for killing Lake Worth Middle School teacher Barry Grunow, Wright said, but it should come with counseling.

10.   But the number of suspects and their nationality have never been clear, and it was not certain Monday whether the suspects were still jailed and faced punishment.

v. + punishment >>共 306
face 10.08%
escape 5.96%
impose 4.71%
demand 3.64%
take 3.28%
mete_out 2.80%
avoid 2.68%
carry 2.44%
deserve 2.33%
receive 2.21%
face + n. >>共 753
charge 11.01%
problem 3.34%
competition 3.22%
challenge 3.13%
trial 2.93%
opposition 2.38%
pressure 2.10%
criticism 1.52%
life 1.47%
difficulty 1.41%
punishment 0.52%
每页显示:    共 168