1.   It is now believed that the peculiar properties of water are due to what is known as hydrogen bonding.

2.   The energy of this hydrogen bonding is comparable to that of the torsion-angle strain.

3.   These unusual chemical shifts for imino and amino protons are indicative of Novel hydrogen bonding.

4.   These dimers are formed as a result of hydrogen bonding.

n. + bonding >>共 21
difficulty 12.50%
hydrogen 12.50%
team 9.38%
session 6.25%
tire 6.25%
tread 6.25%
acryllic 3.13%
bravura 3.13%
carbon 3.13%
disulphide 3.13%
hydrogen + n. >>共 78
atom 20.07%
gas 17.06%
fuel 6.69%
leak 5.02%
sulphide 3.34%
balloon 3.01%
nucleus 3.01%
isotope 2.34%
fusion 1.34%
economy 1.34%
bonding 1.34%
每页显示:    共 4