1.   The products of nuclear fusion involving deuterons with hydrogen isotopes.

2.   The fusion scheme pursued by Livermore entails the shock compression of hydrogen isotopes, deuterium and tritium.

3.   They hope to make the bubbles hot enough to fuse nuclei of deuterium, a hydrogen isotope.

4.   Tritium, a hydrogen isotope, can be lethal in very high quantities.

5.   The report contained top-secret information obtained overseas on the toxicity of tritium, a hydrogen isotope used in the H-bomb.

6.   Tritium is a hydrogen isotope that enhances the explosive force of nuclear warheads.

7.   That heat, they believe, was high enough to form hydrogen isotopes in the acetone to be fused together.

n. + isotope >>共 15
carbon 20.00%
oxygen 20.00%
hydrogen 17.50%
uranium 10.00%
helium 5.00%
plutonium 5.00%
aluminum 2.50%
cobalt 2.50%
lithium 2.50%
lower-grade 2.50%
hydrogen + n. >>共 78
atom 20.07%
gas 17.06%
fuel 6.69%
leak 5.02%
sulphide 3.34%
balloon 3.01%
nucleus 3.01%
isotope 2.34%
fusion 1.34%
economy 1.34%
每页显示:    共 7