1.   He has a blood test done each week to see how effective the medication is.

2.   How effective are lawyers in solving legal problems?

3.   How effective are our advertising campaigns compared with our competitors?

4.   How effective are welfare benefits as redistributive measures?

5.   How effective do you consider this means of presentation and how widely could it be applied to other discourse types?

6.   How effective has the anti-smoking campaign been?

7.   How effective is our criminal justice system?

8.   How effective is the intervention of family health services authority professional advisers measured by reanalysis of prescribing analysis and cost data?

9.   How effective is this constitutional structure of the company in ensuring that directors do not use their powers arbitrarily?

10.   How effective is this pervasive imagery in achieving female conformity?

d. + effective >>共 257
more 29.05%
most 16.73%
as 6.48%
less 4.92%
very 4.20%
how 3.89%
highly 3.48%
immediately 3.44%
particularly 2.20%
so 2.14%
how + a. >>共 579
many 30.22%
much 20.34%
long 4.41%
good 1.96%
big 1.68%
important 1.61%
difficult 1.28%
hard 1.23%
old 1.03%
bad 0.83%
effective 0.60%
每页显示:    共 215