1.   A very simple design is to weave strips of various lengths, which is particularly effective on sideways knitted garments.

2.   Black and white vinyl tiles can look particularly effective, and hardboard or chipboard, painted or varnished, make cheap cover-ups.

3.   Even without them, some groups were particularly effective fighters.

4.   It is considered particularly effective in dealing with certain drug abusers.

5.   Spraying with water is particularly effective for discouraging red spider mite, which flourishes in dry conditions.

6.   This is particularly effective at cocktail parties.

7.   This process is particularly effective where small molecules are involved, for the band-shapes and vibrational structure are often characteristic.

d. + effective >>共 257
more 29.05%
most 16.73%
as 6.48%
less 4.92%
very 4.20%
how 3.89%
highly 3.48%
immediately 3.44%
particularly 2.20%
so 2.14%
particularly + a. >>共 987
important 2.95%
vulnerable 2.69%
strong 2.65%
hard 2.39%
concerned 2.25%
difficult 2.04%
true 1.86%
good 1.84%
interested 1.79%
sensitive 1.74%
effective 0.91%
每页显示:    共 121