1.   Mum always worked out the household budget according to what we could afford.

2.   Women are more likely to exercise control over the household budget.

3.   Reflecting the importance of housing in the household budget, domestic rates fell most heavily on the low-income groups.

4.   This seems unreasonable in a household budget.

5.   Assume for a moment that your household budget is in the red.

6.   Additionally, household budgets remain tight, limiting the amount of cash available.

7.   Borrowing by American consumers rose at a slower pace in July than it did in June, a sign that a growing number of household budgets may be stretched.

8.   Gore, meanwhile, is betting on the analogy he believes Americans will make between debt reduction and the way they would like to manage their own household budgets.

9.   His counselor showed him how to make and live within a household budget.

10.   I scrutinized the household budget to see if we could afford our own pool.

a. + budget >>共 548
federal 13.56%
balanced 13.25%
state 4.82%
new 3.14%
national 2.38%
annual 2.25%
tight 2.01%
supplementary 1.67%
proposed 1.41%
military 1.35%
household 0.26%
household + n. >>共 450
appliance 9.19%
goods 8.78%
income 5.85%
product 5.68%
item 5.60%
chore 4.39%
debt 2.59%
pet 1.92%
help 1.30%
budget 1.25%
每页显示:    共 30