1.   Manufacturers of equipment for telecommunications, defence electronics and household appliances have merged or entered joint ventures to ensure their continued competitiveness.

2.   Most household appliances burn up loads of electricity.

3.   Most modern household appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers are already fitted with non-return devices.

4.   This is ordinarily the case with automobiles and most major household appliances.

5.   This restricts cover for contents to furniture, furnishings and household appliances.

6.   To make it easier to return any unwanted purchases, save the original packaging, especially for electronics and household appliances.

7.   We carry out repairs on a range of household appliances.

8.   All household appliances are now on sale.

9.   The European Community has finalized a directive which will require manufacturers and importers to label major household appliances sold in the EC with information showing their energy consumption.

a. + appliance >>共 301
home 16.67%
household 15.15%
electrical 11.91%
major 4.48%
small 4.27%
electronic 3.24%
new 2.55%
electric 2.55%
domestic 1.45%
modern 1.24%
household + n. >>共 450
appliance 9.19%
goods 8.78%
income 5.85%
product 5.68%
item 5.60%
chore 4.39%
debt 2.59%
pet 1.92%
help 1.30%
budget 1.25%
每页显示:    共 219