1.   Charles and Micki Browning, both hospital employees, stayed home with their prematurely born daughter.

2.   And another hospital employee who had a suspicious lesion was not infected, tests indicated.

3.   As the patient census dropped, the state planned to cut hospital employees.

4.   At Bellevue Hospital, Dr. Louis Goldfrank, director of emergency medicine, said the last bagel-related injury he could remember happened to a hospital employee.

5.   At the time, Caires was a hospital employee and aspiring medical student.

6.   A look at its effects, and how hospital employees are being fired.

7.   After she was examined, a hospital employee told the woman she was fit to walk home.

8.   After she was examined, a hospital employee told her she was fit to walk home.

9.   But even after learning that Ruttan was an impersonator and not Jackson, hospital employees and bystanders clamored for autographs.

10.   But Owen, like other hospital employees across the greater Oklahoma City area, had to push aside personal feelings and keep working.

n. + employee >>共 636
government 13.40%
company 5.44%
bank 5.37%
city 4.18%
airline 2.98%
hotel 2.74%
embassy 2.65%
store 1.98%
airport 1.98%
hospital 1.96%
hospital + n. >>共 779
official 15.95%
bed 7.34%
spokeswoman 5.34%
source 3.65%
spokesman 3.44%
stay 3.27%
staff 3.25%
worker 3.12%
room 2.87%
treatment 2.81%
employee 0.99%
每页显示:    共 89