1.   Brush the bread on one side with the honey mustard.

2.   Coat the chops with honey mustard to heighten the sweet and spicy flavors in their minty breadcrumb coating.

3.   Dip each chicken breast in flour mixture, then honey mustard, and finally in peanuts to coat.

4.   Fast food restaurants offer honey mustard dipping sauce to go with those deep-fried chicken chunks, and more.

5.   For dips, set out small bowls of barbecue sauce, a sour cream-horseradish mixture, honey mustard, Russian dressing and ketchup.

6.   Fry up a batch or prepare Chinese-style with a honey mustard dipping sauce.

7.   He offers a spinach and roasted red pepper dip, a honey mustard and a lemon and black olive gremolata as condiments.

8.   In a small bowl, combine sour cream and honey mustard until well blended.

n. + mustard >>共 23
honey 18.18%
nitrogen 13.64%
whole-grain 9.09%
horseradish 6.82%
grain 4.55%
ground 4.55%
heat 4.55%
sulfur 4.55%
agent 2.27%
berry 2.27%
honey + n. >>共 93
bee 13.27%
pot 5.21%
cake 4.74%
mixture 4.74%
shop 4.27%
mustard 3.79%
producer 3.79%
production 3.32%
flavor 2.84%
jar 2.37%
每页显示:    共 8