1.   Liver biopsies were taken within six months of entry to the study for histological assessment.

2.   The histological assessments were made without knowledge of either patient group or the order of biopsies.

3.   Helicobacter pylori colonisation was determined by a CLO test and histological assessment.

4.   Two samples were placed in formalin and subsequently stained for histological assessment.

a. + assessment >>共 552
upbeat 4.91%
environmental 3.58%
new 2.12%
accurate 2.03%
initial 1.86%
preliminary 1.64%
similar 1.64%
independent 1.59%
economic 1.59%
overall 1.55%
histological 0.18%
histological + n. >>共 48
examination 26.21%
evaluation 5.52%
finding 4.14%
differentiation 3.45%
section 3.45%
abnormality 2.76%
analysis 2.76%
assessment 2.76%
grade 2.76%
diagnosis 2.76%
每页显示:    共 4