1.   A specialist or comprehensive assessment can be arranged without having to have an initial assessment first.

2.   During the initial assessment interview clients were rated by the interviewer on a number of four-point scales.

3.   Recognise the significance of observations made of a patient and use these to develop an initial nursing assessment.

4.   The data presented were drawn from detailed clinical interview of new patients at the point of initial assessment.

5.   Such an initial assessment, based on the information available at the time, is the prior probability of success.

6.   Judgement is particularly important in the initial assessment of risks and deciding on their tolerability.

7.   Such cases exemplify th need for initial careful assessment so that appropriate immdiate and long term therapy can be instituted.

a. + assessment >>共 552
upbeat 4.91%
environmental 3.58%
new 2.12%
accurate 2.03%
initial 1.86%
preliminary 1.64%
similar 1.64%
independent 1.59%
economic 1.59%
overall 1.55%
initial + n. >>共 921
report 7.36%
reaction 2.37%
investigation 2.07%
offering 2.00%
result 1.90%
test 1.73%
stage 1.39%
investment 1.10%
response 1.03%
claim 0.99%
assessment 0.37%
每页显示:    共 42