1.   A survey is a very helpful way to begin to research the areas intelligently.

2.   The farm business tenancy is a helpful way forward.

3.   This paper has provided an example of how the self-interest of solicitors is a more helpful way of viewing this group.

4.   When a child encounters an unfamiliar word, there are several helpful ways to intervene.

5.   However, it is a helpful way of determining whether any lessons can be learned for future projects.

6.   Awareness of the possible truth of paradox is a most helpful way in to appreciating the nature of religious language as it wrestles to express experience.

7.   The structures are there for the individual to respond to the community and in a helpful way sometimes.

8.   Happily, Shapiro remembers that there is more to the Internet than the World Wide Web, and suggests helpful ways to use the broader network.

9.   Ken McAlpine describes helpful ways to avoid the worst excesses of fast food and get a reasonably healthy diet, even on the road.

a. + way >>共 634
only 8.78%
same 8.61%
long 7.68%
best 7.12%
different 4.15%
new 4.09%
the 1.98%
better 1.69%
wrong 1.58%
good 1.45%
helpful 0.03%
helpful + n. >>共 323
hint 8.18%
information 6.25%
advice 4.61%
tip 4.32%
suggestion 2.98%
way 1.79%
site 1.64%
tool 1.19%
feature 1.04%
role 1.04%
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