1.   Actively supply others with helpful information.

2.   From some relationships come helpful information and support, and often abiding friendships.

3.   The comment should therefore provide helpful information about why the work was abandoned in this instance.

4.   A source within the fraud squad confirmed that it had received helpful information from Mr Hann at an early stage.

5.   Asia-Net posts helpful information such as a salary index and job listings.

6.   But he acknowledged that it was sometimes difficult to offer helpful information to veterans, given the confusion about what is causing their ailments.

7.   But Kornberg also sought to gain information helpful to the defense from Lugg.

8.   But the lawyers suggested he carried out FBI policy to suppress information helpful to the defense.

9.   Directions for use are written on the base, which also has grid lines, exam- ples of type in various point sizes and other helpful scanning information.

a. + information >>共 877
new 4.98%
further 4.69%
personal 3.49%
financial 2.80%
additional 2.49%
detailed 2.25%
classified 2.10%
false 1.87%
sensitive 1.77%
confidential 1.74%
helpful 0.23%
helpful + n. >>共 323
hint 8.18%
information 6.25%
advice 4.61%
tip 4.32%
suggestion 2.98%
way 1.79%
site 1.64%
tool 1.19%
feature 1.04%
role 1.04%
每页显示:    共 42