1.   Incubators, however, must have a reliable source of funding and investors who understand the timeline of hatching these companies.

2.   That is not to say, however, that a for-profit incubator hatching biotech companies is doomed to fail.

3.   The Cambridge Incubator is a community concept of hatching Internet companies in a single space.

4.   The idea of companies that hatch other companies rose to popularity on the dot-com tidal wave, only to crash along with the Internet companies they spawned.

5.   The idea of companies that hatch other companies rose to popularity on the dot-com tidal wave only to crash along with the stocks of the Internet companies they spawned.

6.   Entrepreneurs are hatching start-up companies by the hundreds in university incubators.

v. + company >>共 734
say 2.87%
leave 2.80%
run 2.31%
buy 2.20%
sell 1.80%
sue 1.67%
accuse 1.46%
have 1.45%
base 1.45%
include 1.36%
hatch 0.03%
hatch + n. >>共 72
plan 24.48%
plot 15.17%
idea 10.69%
egg 8.62%
scheme 5.17%
conspiracy 3.10%
chick 2.76%
company 2.07%
deal 2.07%
young 1.38%
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