say company 40.29   He said companies such as General Motors Corp., Ford Motor.
  leave company 39.30   Both have left the company.
  run company 32.32   Alvin Murstein will run the company.
  buy company 30.81   As to Sprint buying other companies?
  sell company 25.21   But in May he sold his company.
  sue company 23.44   He sued the company for discrimination.
  accuse company 20.41   The company was accused of racial bias.
  have company 20.34   He has company.
  base company 20.28   The company is based in Paris.
  include company 19.03   Gaining exporters included chemical companies.
  help company 18.24   I could help some companies.
  own company 18.10   He owns the company.
  acquire company 17.84   It, too, has acquired other companies.
  join company 17.38   She joined the company last year.
  hurt company 16.19   And it can hurt the company.
  keep company 16.06   He is keeping good company.
  name company 15.47   She named the company.
  call company 14.48   Call the company and inquire.
  prevent company 13.89   He said this would prevent companies from creating new jobs.
  punish company 12.38   The company was not punished.
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