1.   Beekeepers are learning to kill the Varroa mites by hanging chemical strips in the hives twice a year.

2.   Hang the strip, lining one side up with the pencil line.

3.   Hang the strip.

4.   Hang this strip on the wall, allowing the excess width to lap onto and over the window frame as though it were not there.

5.   Hang strips until you come to a window.

6.   Hang the strips on a pasta rack or a floured surface to dry.

7.   Hang the strips on a pasta rack or spread them on a floured surface.

8.   Keep hanging strips, and be sure to line up the pattern.

9.   Some dancers have enlarged the genre by use of hanging strips of fabric or swinging hoops.

10.   The current method is to hang a strip of insulation over a lit Bunsen burner.

v. + strip >>共 242
cut 5.16%
occupy 4.48%
use 3.96%
run 2.07%
wear 2.07%
arrange 1.89%
place 1.89%
have 1.72%
hang 1.72%
install 1.72%
hang + n. >>共 533
head 10.97%
banner 4.23%
picture 2.70%
man 2.58%
flag 2.23%
clothes 2.00%
poster 1.82%
sign 1.53%
portrait 1.35%
hat 1.35%
strip 0.59%
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