1.   Arrange strips in one direction across pie and continue in opposite direction.

2.   Arrange a few strips of smoked salmon over the potatoes.

3.   Arrange carrot strips in shallow casserole.

4.   Arrange chile strips evenly over the cheese.

5.   Arrange the strip on a baking sheet and lightly sprinkle with salt.

6.   Arrange chicken strips on top of rice.

7.   Arrange chicken strips on top.

8.   Repeat the procedure for the tuna, arranging the strips so they run the entire length of the rice.

9.   The strips may be arranged in a checkerboard pattern or in an alternating rhythm, creating at times an op-art effect of shifting colors and design.

10.   Using a slotted spoon, portion the salad onto plates and arrange chicken strips on top.

v. + strip >>共 242
cut 5.16%
occupy 4.48%
use 3.96%
run 2.07%
wear 2.07%
arrange 1.89%
place 1.89%
have 1.72%
hang 1.72%
install 1.72%
arrange + n. >>共 986
meeting 11.84%
talk 2.51%
visit 2.26%
trip 2.19%
loan 2.14%
cease-fire 2.04%
sale 1.95%
interview 1.83%
slice 1.53%
deal 1.22%
strip 0.26%
每页显示:    共 11