1.   By the upside-down mathematics of the handicap principle, he is infinitely richer in status, the real currency of Darwinian fitness.

2.   In the light of the handicap principle, familiar events took on a different complexion.

3.   Or did he intuitively understand the less-is-more logic of the handicap principle?

4.   Over the years, evidence for the handicap principle has accumulated.

5.   Q. Talk about the handicap principle here, which is so important to sexual selection theory, and to your book.

6.   The handicap principle holds that humans make showy and sometimes dangerous displays of courage to increase their status and attract mates.

7.   When Grafen put all these calculations together, his model showed that, over time, the handicap principle should result in more offspring.

n. + principle >>共 204
market 8.03%
core 7.11%
business 4.82%
bedrock 4.82%
management 3.90%
investment 2.75%
free-market 2.75%
one-china 2.29%
design 1.83%
handicap 1.61%
handicap + n. >>共 59
horse 10.32%
race 10.32%
division 6.35%
principle 5.56%
champion 3.17%
winner 3.17%
racing 3.17%
rank 3.17%
rule 3.17%
feature 2.38%
每页显示:    共 7