1.   A simple soup made with cabbage from the garden and a ham hock from the smokehouse or the local butcher.

2.   Add the onion, garlic, ham hock, hot pepper sauce, red pepper flakes, oregano, tomato sauce and black pepper to the pot.

3.   Add ham hock, onions and carrots.

4.   Add ham hocks, shortening and sugar, and stir well.

5.   Add water, salt, a touch of sugar, a hunk of fatback or a cured ham hock.

6.   Add the ham hocks and stock and bring to a boil over high heat.

7.   Discard the ham hock and bay leaves.

8.   For Thanksgiving, she puts turnip and mustard greens, ham hocks, salt, shortening and sugar in a pot and lets them slowly cook down.

9.   Forgo the ham hock in soups.

10.   Gone are the smoked ham hocks, which usually flavor the pot liquor, and in their place are smoked turkey wings.

ham + n. >>共 70
radio 24.10%
operator 15.66%
sandwich 13.55%
hock 11.75%
slice 3.31%
bone 3.01%
steak 2.71%
actor 1.51%
cube 1.20%
report 1.20%
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