1.   Ted English of Wasilla flipped his sled and landed hard on his back on glare ice Saturday afternoon just outside Anchorage.

2.   The bus plunged into a gorge after going into a skid on glare ice.

3.   The men trudged down the icy road toward Teslic, some occasionally slipping and falling on the glare ice, to be helped up by their comrades.

4.   The stretch is particularly hazardous this year because there is glare ice and bare dirt in places.

n. + ice >>共 78
center 43.10%
sea 18.59%
winter 2.25%
river 1.69%
block 1.41%
practice 1.41%
time 1.41%
night 1.41%
methane 1.13%
glare 1.13%
glare + n. >>共 6
ice 36.36%
problem 18.18%
reduction 18.18%
filter 9.09%
index 9.09%
protection 9.09%
每页显示:    共 4