1.   I look forward to watching Rainbow attempt to get religion in hopes of winning fair lady.

2.   And because Hollywood is an industry that venerates a commercial triumph, production companies have suddenly got religion, so to speak.

3.   And getting some religion, regardless of the source, could not hurt either.

4.   Angels, saints, God ... Strange as it seems, has Hollywood got religion?

5.   As the Space Force readies its rocket, Shiro woos his girl but gets religion instead.

6.   At long last, Compaq Computer Corp. has gotten religion and embraced the Gospel According to Pentium.

7.   A highly touted new ski design aims to help you get religion.

8.   Chizuo Matsumoto claims he went to real a mountain top, the Himalayas, and got religion.

9.   Compaq, known for its our-way-or-the-highway computer design, has gotten religion.

10.   Coleman appears to have gotten religion, and Mason, quirks aside, is relentless.

v. + religion >>共 338
practice 9.56%
use 4.53%
find 2.80%
get 2.64%
have 2.06%
promote 2.06%
bring 2.06%
discuss 1.98%
teach 1.81%
study 1.65%
get + n. >>共 1164
job 2.72%
help 1.70%
money 1.63%
attention 1.46%
chance 1.45%
call 1.33%
lot 1.27%
information 1.22%
ball 1.21%
boost 1.07%
religion 0.05%
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