get job 120.08   Did you get the job?
  get help 74.79   Barry got some help.
  get money 71.89   And he got more money.
  get attention 64.58   And it does get attention.
  get chance 63.79   And I got my chance.
  get call 58.79   And she gets calls.
  get lot 56.16   Yeah, I got the lot.
  get information 53.85   I knew how to get information.
  get ball 53.52   Yes, you get the ball!
  get boost 47.33   And free trade would get a boost.
  get message 43.38   Did you get my message?
  get idea 39.70   Do you get the idea?
  get support 39.04   --Get support from the top.
  get shot 36.47   But they got the shot.
  get credit 32.92   And I got the credit.
  get approval 32.32   And he got the approval of the co-op board.
  get treatment 31.34   Did you get treatment for it?
  get most 29.56   Do I get the most out of myself?
  get start 28.44   Foster got the start.
  get hand 26.40   Get your hands off it!
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