1.   A DPH spokeswoman said there would be no further updates on the number of children testing positive until results come back for the entire group next week.

2.   Check back for further updates.

3.   Further updates to move as warranted throughout the day.

4.   So they were posted, whatever their imperfections, awaiting further updates and more editing.

5.   Please note that no further updates to Turkey-Politics are expected this cycle.

6.   APTV has coverage of the Congress meeting with Zyuganov and expects further updates.

7.   APTN will provide further updates of the video testimony being presented in the Senate, with reactions to follow.

8.   Expect further updates later on in the day.

9.   Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio for the most complete information and further updates on this developing marine situation.

10.   There will be a further update later in the day as meetings conclude.

a. + update >>共 197
regular 7.57%
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latest 4.13%
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medical 2.75%
further 2.24%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
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