1.   Any young singers who would like further information can contact Keith Smith.

2.   Are you wanting commitment or merely agreement to seek further information?

3.   Do you need any further information?

4.   For further information about entry qualifications, you should contact the institutions of your choice direct.

5.   For further information about membership, contact the club secretary.

6.   For further information on safe limits of drinking, please consult your doctor.

7.   For further information on this service contact the Occupational Pensions Board on.

8.   For further information or free copies of our brochure and timetable telephone or write.

a. + information >>共 877
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personal 3.49%
financial 2.80%
additional 2.49%
detailed 2.25%
classified 2.10%
false 1.87%
sensitive 1.77%
confidential 1.74%
further + n. >>共 781
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comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
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