1.   But how to identify that one great fund to buy?

2.   Funding to buy the stockpile would be arranged through NatWest Markets Australia Ltd. and Westpac Banking Corp.

3.   That clears the way for investment funds to buy stocks, he said.

4.   The Russian army may lose its combat readiness by the turn of the century because of lack of funding to buy new weapons, military officials said Friday.

v. + buy >>共 210
use 24.34%
rush 11.56%
negotiate 8.93%
stop 3.01%
borrow 3.01%
spend 1.97%
sell 1.79%
will 1.69%
say 1.69%
intervene 1.50%
fund 0.38%
fund + v. >>共 120
help 6.63%
support 3.57%
expand 3.06%
provide 2.55%
fight 2.55%
keep 2.04%
buy 2.04%
include 2.04%
ensure 1.53%
enforce 1.53%
每页显示:    共 4