1.   All told, millions of dollars were spent buying Discovery Zone during the last two trading sessions.

2.   Analysts said Caterpillar was looking for ways to invest its growing revenue in addition to spending to buy back its stock.

3.   And if we spend federal money to buy these technologies now, we will also be benefiting the moribund technology sector of our economy.

4.   After studying the problem, University of Iowa urban planner Alan Peters concluded that money spent on job training for poor people would be better spent buying them cars.

5.   Caulfield said Prudential is prepared to spend to buy more investment firepower, but he describes the current market for money management firm as almost prohibitively expensive.

6.   If the stock goes below, they lose the money spent to buy the contract.

7.   If that happened, the utility would have to spend millions buying power on the spot market to make sure its customers had enough electricity.

8.   Most wine fans, even those who spend big money buying it, actually know very little about it.

9.   Perelman would not say how much he had spent to buy the bonds.

10.   The amount of money that governments are prepared to spend buying euros is tiny compared with the amounts that private currency traders are prepared to sell.

v. + buy >>共 210
use 24.34%
rush 11.56%
negotiate 8.93%
stop 3.01%
borrow 3.01%
spend 1.97%
sell 1.79%
will 1.69%
say 1.69%
intervene 1.50%
spend + v. >>共 581
try 3.32%
help 2.04%
work 1.98%
treat 1.92%
play 1.47%
develop 1.41%
buy 1.34%
fight 1.28%
talk 1.15%
do 1.15%
每页显示:    共 21