1.   Call it functional art.

2.   Functional art practically begs to be included in life.

3.   Galleries began giving space to functional art, and the line between functional and fine art began to blur.

4.   Hari Heath, a bowyer, or maker of archery bows, from Santa, Idaho, sells handmade bows that really are functional art objects.

5.   It was functional art to decorate their home or give as gifts.

6.   They are accustomed to seeing design treated as an exquisite functional art, not as so many shelf units of affordable merch.

7.   Today there are galleries devoted to functional art.

a. + art >>共 1403
contemporary 6.71%
modern 4.12%
american 3.11%
visual 2.56%
public 2.04%
new 1.83%
decorative 1.74%
ancient 1.71%
high 1.71%
great 1.50%
functional 0.10%
functional + n. >>共 309
constituency 10.92%
food 6.96%
equivalent 2.06%
area 2.06%
role 1.58%
family 1.42%
result 1.27%
significance 1.27%
prerequisite 1.27%
art 1.11%
每页显示:    共 7